GHP Q4 2022

22 Right ePharmacy is a for-profit, pharmaceutical distribution innovator owned by Right To Care. Right ePharmacy’s solutions optimise last mile medicine dispensing and make healthcare services accessible and convenient to public health patients. This has a direct impact on patient quality of life, impacting communities and helping to create efficiencies in overburdened healthcare systems. Right ePharmacy has revolutionized patient medicine collection so that patients no longer need to stand in long queues to collect their chronic medication. Using robotics and smart technologies to automate hospital and pharmacy dispensing processes, Right ePharmacy has helped clinicians to free up more time to focus on engaging and consulting with their patients.With a proven track record and strong collaborations in healthcare,Right ePharmacy has become a technology-implementing partner and donor coordinator for organisations wanting to support community health programmes and strengthen health systems. Most Innovative Medicine Distribution Specialists - Africa ight ePharmacy has become a cornerstone creator of innovative solutions for improving access to medication and adherence to treatment in sub-Saharan Africa. Using cutting edge software, robotics, and pharmacy automation, Right ePharmacy provides medicine and pharmaceutical support to remote areas by streamlining and decentralizing medicine delivery as well as aiding digitization of the public healthcare sector. Right ePharmacy is fortunate to be able to leverage the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) position of its parent company, Right to Care, to prioritize patients and people over profit. They work closely with clients and funders to customise solutions that meet community needs and are aligned to organizational and national policies. Right ePharmacy also invests in reskilling and upskilling healthcare professionals to ensure that technology solutions are embraced and implemented effectively without professionals feeling threatened by job losses. The company’s goal in implementing pharma-technology is not to replace medical professionals, in fact their objectives are far from it. Right ePharmacy exists to make healthcare worker jobs easier and less logistically taxing. Right ePharmacy helps all healthcare sector stakeholders (including patients) through a business model that allows them to be highly responsive to current health needs and challenges. They have adapted and customized solutions to address specific challenges and use technology to overcome traditional problems within the healthcare sector, across various continents, unique to specific territories. Showcasing its efforts to transform the future of healthcare; Right ePharmacy based in South Africa has been an outstanding springboard, allowing the company to leapfrog new projects in Lesotho, Eswatini, Zambia, and Botswana, supported by major Global Health Funders in the process. One example of this is Right ePharmacy’s flagship product, Collect & GoTM. This solution gives patients convenient access to pharmaceutical smart lockers for the collection of medicine and is a definitive success story for the positive impact of decentralized drug distribution and improved accessibility. These convenient medicine pickup points allow patients to receive their chronic medication at their local locker pick-up point, avoiding visiting an overcrowded healthcare facility. Supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS) technology, its cloud-based platform enables R Using cutting edge software, robotics, and pharmacy automation, Right ePharmacy provides medicine and pharmaceutical support to remote areas by streamlining and decentralizing medicine delivery as well as aiding digitization of the public healthcare sector. Aug22672